ISLAMABAD – Pakistan and Uzbekistan agreed to make all-out efforts for removing impediments hampering bilateral trade including lack of direct cargo links, safe and direct land route, removal of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) and absence of effective banking channels.
Both the sides vowed to enhance trade relations between the two countries. A high-ranking ministerial delegation from Uzbekistan led by Uzbek Minister for Foreign Trade Khodjaev Jamshaid called on Secretary Commerce Younus Dagha and officials of the ministry.
Uzbek delegation also included Adham Ikramov, chairman of CCI of Uzbekistan, Bahadir Alihanov, deputy chairman of association “Uztextile Industry”, Alisher, HoD, International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Azamat Yuldashev, Director on Production and Investment of JSC “Uzagrotechmash”(Agricultural Machinery), Murad Bekmirzaev, deputy head of marketing department “Uzagrotechmash”(agricultural machinery) and embassy officials.
It was agreed that institutional mechanism between both the countries needs to be upgraded.
Younus Dagha proposed to form Joint Working Group (JWG) on Trade and Investment. The JWG would focus on exploring opportunities to enhance bilateral economic relations. The Uzbek Minister agreed to the proposal.
Afterwards the dates and venue of the 1st meeting of JWG either in Pakistan or in Uzbekistan would be decided.